Ostras | Do Mar #1.

O primeiro vídeo de uma série de dois episódios sobre a ostra nativa. Uma visita guiada ao West Mersea Oysters, fornecedor dos melhores restaurantes de Londres e de outras cidades da Europa.

Going Native: Part 1 from Crane.tv on Vimeo.

In the first of a two part series following the native oyster from sea bed to plate, we visit West Mersea Oysters, supplier to London's finest eateries.
See more videos on Crane.tv: http://crane.tv

Mike Dawson has been farming oysters in West Mersea on the Essex coast for over two decades. In that time he has seen demand, especially for the revered Colchester Native oyster, a smaller sweeter cousin to the rock, grow exponentially as customers in restaurants in London, and across Europe, clamour for a taste of this mineral-rich foodstuff. West Mersea Oysters produce close to one million oysters in all per year, and on a very, very cold day in December, we went out with Mike on his boat the Hazel Anne. How does Mike like to eat his? "With a nice cup of tea", he told us.

In part two, we follow Mike's native oysters to Bibendum restaurant in London, where they are transformed into a piping-hot, herb-rich Oyster Rockefeller dish.

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"Mike Dawson has been farming oysters in West Mersea on the Essex coast for over two decades. In that time he has seen demand, especially for the revered Colchester Native oyster, a smaller sweeter cousin to the rock, grow exponentially as customers in restaurants in London, and across Europe, clamour for a taste of this mineral-rich foodstuff. West Mersea Oysters produce close to one million oysters in all per year, and on a very, very cold day in December, we went out with Mike on his boat the Hazel Anne. How does Mike like to eat his? "With a nice cup of tea", he told us."