Interlübke @ imm Cologne, Germany.

Interlübke’s display was my favorite at imm. I don’t think I have too much to say, as their design and style is pretty obvious in these photographs.

There’s so much movement in these cabinets. Plus, they can be used in the bedroom, bathroom, living room or even kitchen – basically anywhere you wish. I love when a furniture brand is this versatile.

My favorite space.

(I just thought my polka dots shirt styles pretty nicely the space)

The chandelier above the table are candle sticks in a wire: how inspiring!

I’m not the type of person that likes lights on the furniture, but I have to say this cabinet has changed completely my preconception about it. The yellow light on a white and navy background is perfect, if perfection exists.

It would be lovely if someone could translate this poem for me.

Another opportunity I’ll post more photos about this space. It is TOO beautiful NOT to share.

“No one person is like another and no person's home is like anyone else's, so why shouldn't the same principle apply to furniture? That's why we created our interlübke system from thousands of individual parts which are put together to create individual and distinctive pieces of furniture. We can also deliver them in practically any colour, so the only thing that interlübke's one-of-a-kind furniture products share is their uniqueness.” – company’s philosophy.