Tokyo #3 | Japanese Textiles.

This is the type of shops I get lost very easily. Not that I spend a fortune, but I totally forget the world exists outside.

I can be here for hours wondering what I could do with these gorgeous fabrics. 

My sense of touch gets in action and here we go...

Didn't resist to get the one on the right. I've already a few options to do with it, but haven't decided yet:  to have it on my bed, to make a few cushions, to have it framed or maybe a padded panel on the wall. 

Gorgeous collage, isn't it? The fabrics in the center (with rainbows) have an amazing texture and beautiful mix of colours.

Fabrics, beautiful fabrics everywhere. 

A tip to make a nice Japanese handbag. 

Maybe I'll pop in again today to get more inspiration.