Inspired By Paris.

Cliché: Paris Je t’aime.
But the truth is that I really love paris. It’s bright, clean, busy, noisy, chic, inspiring, smelly and of course extremely beautiful. The vibe is so good. I feel good!
At the moment I’m working on a concept “inspired by paris”. The following photos are part of it. Enjoy it.

When I was a kid, way before being teenager, I wanted to be a ballerina (bailarina in portuguese). And this photograph makes me feel like dancing. It inspires me. I think about mirrors, wooden balustrades, tulle, light, big windows and space, lots of free space.

I love classics. And that goes from furniture, to clothes, and of course cars. I love cars. A car is just a power identification tool. I own this car, therefore I am. It tells a lot about the owner. And this Citroen is just stunning. Well, I love all Citroen Classics.

And look at this view: the colour and how beautifully polished it is. I can imagine who owns it actually. I wonder if the owner lives in this beautiful and classy building where the car is parked, because they really go well together.

This perspective is very inspiring. I want to design stripes (again) but in a different perspective and different thicknesses. This photo gives me ideas for horizontal and vertical stripes for a 18th century apartment...
Photography by Eliana Tomás.
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